
Bosnian and Herzegovian political journal
The company "Avaz" was founded on October 20th, 1991.
The first issue of the weekly newspaper "Bosnjački avaz" was printed on September 15th, 1993.
The first issue of the daily "Dnevni Avaz" was printed on October 2nd, 1995.
avaz - roto press d.o.o.
Tešanjska 24a
71000 Sarajevo
VAT number: 200934630002
Evelin Trako
Vice Editor-in-Chief
Miralem Aščić
Supervises the editorial board
Danijal Hadžović / Politics & Sarajevo Chronicle
Borka Cerić / Crimes & Accidents Chronicle
Nerma Ajnadžić / Desk
Sedin Spahić
Nermin Hasanović
Emir Ćosić
Elmedin Tihak
Dženana Redžepagic
Amanda Krcić - Nalo
Emina Idrizović
Dženita Vilajet
Secretary of the editorial office
Berina Paraganlija Krcić
Correspondents and associates
Alen Bajramović / Goražde
Meliha Smajkić / Mostar
Ahmed Bešić / Tuzla
Hasan Čalić / Gračanica
Emir Vučjak / Crossword
Hedija Mehmedić / Zodiac
Ramiz Šetkić
Sena Banda
Elma Hebibović
Indira Pindžo
Elma Dedajić - Agić
Design and digital development
avaz - roto press d.o.o.
Marketing & Sales
Denis Prkić
Dalila Delalić
Naida Varupa
Alma Selimović
Lejla Bejdić-Rizvanović
Director of the Company
Bojan Varunek
Assistant Director of the Company
Adis Mačković
The paper was entered in the records of public media in the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, Sports and Information of RB&H under number 529 since 28th of September 1995. in accordance with the Law on Public Information.
Dnevni avaz is a full member of the Press Council in B&H.
The court in Sarajevo is competent for all disputes.

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