NATO leaves the door open for B&H's membership

We reveal the Recommendations to Stoltenberg before the Alliance summit

Stoltenberg in Brussels yesterday during the meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC), which consists of all foreign ministers of member states. Agencies

Piše: H- J. I. - T.L.

NATO should renew its commitment to the enlargement policy and support the Euro-Atlantic integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Ukraine, the Parliamentary Assembly (PA) of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) said before the summit of foreign ministers, as „Dnevni Avaz“ finds out.

Representatives of the member states of the strongest military-political alliance in the world started a two-day session in Brussels yesterday. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will present to NATO members the recommendations of the expert team for the development of the Alliance until 2030.

Stability zone

NATO should maintain and strengthen the open door policy as a tool for expanding the zone of stability and democratic standards in Europe. The Euro-Atlantic integration of B&H, Georgia and Ukraine should be supported and their resilience to foreign influences should be strengthened - it is stated in the recommendations of the NATO PA to the leaders of this alliance.

The agenda of the North Atlantic Council session includes the situation in Afghanistan, Syria, relations with Russia and the Black Sea region, as well as relations with China. Although it is not specified that there will be talks on the enlargement of the Alliance in the Balkans, where B&H is the only of all countries that have started the accession process left outside NATO, it is expected that foreign ministers will support the recommendations of the NATO Assembly.

All good in B&H

Stoltenberg spoke about B&H during a meeting with representatives of member states' parliaments.

-We were criticized again for not stopping the atrocities in Bosnia Herzegovina and in not stopping Srebrenica.  So then actually, we decided to start to use military power when we saw the atrocities continued and the fighting in Bosnia Herzegovina continued and NATO was key, NATO troops NATO mission in Bosnia Herzegovina was key to end the war there, and the fighting there stopped the atrocities and lay the foundation for the Dayton Agreement which actually celebrated I think was yesterday,the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Agreement. I'm not saying that everything is fine in Bosnia Herzegovina, but I'm saying that compared to where we were in the 90s when there was a bloody war going on at least NATO has helped, and the use of military power helped in 1990s to stop a terrible war to stop atrocities, and help to create the foundation for this state, which is functioning, with all these challenges with all these problems but much better than where we were before NATO went in with military power – Stoltenber said during discussion.  

He will hold a final press conference today, at which he will present the results of the summit, which is being held via video link due to the coronavirus pandemic.

NATO is built on solid foundatins

-Earlier this year I appointed the group of experts to support my work on NATO's continued adaptation and they finalized it today. Their reports shows that NATO is agile,recognizes that in the recent years we have been able to adapt both militarily and politicaly. The report also demonstartes that the political consultation and decision making work at NATO so we build on solid foundations. – said Stoltenberg.
