Vaccines won't be available before March?

Bh. authorities are making immunization plans

No vaccine has been registered in the EU so far. Archive

Piše: N. Ajnadžić

News about the rescue coronavirus vaccine arrives every day, and several more developed countries are already announcing the start of mass immunization. B&H, which has been hit hard by the pandemic and has the highest mortality rate in the region, is awaiting procurement through the international COVAX mechanism.

Authorities estimate that the first vaccines will arrive in the first quarter, but the FB&H believes that the immunization of the population will not begin before the second quarter of next year.

Central location

As we were told by the Federal Ministry of Health, so far no vaccine has been registered in the European Union, so it is too early to prejudge procurement. B&H is part of the COVAX mechanism, nor do they have any vaccine that has passed the regulatory agency to be taken over.

It is expected that vaccines will be registered in Europe only after the New Year, which means that B&H will most likely start immunization in the second quarter, if we take into account that the registration will be before the end of the year or in the beginning of next year.

A vaccination plan against COVID-19 in the FB&H has already been prepared. Another meeting with the Immunization Expert Advisory Body is expected this week to discuss it.

Also, as Goran Čerkez, a member of the Crisis Staff of the Federal Ministry of Health and Assistant Minister of Public Health, told us, B&H currently has the ability to store vaccines that have a cold chain at minus 21 degrees and those that work at minus two to minus eight degrees.

The whole chain

- We already own that chain, however, it would not be a problem if we decide to establish a cold chain of minus 70 degrees. After the vaccine enters B&H, it is stored in a central place from which it is transported logistically to other destinations, where everything is already prepared for vaccination. Local levels also own certain refrigerators, while some healthcare institutions already own the entire chain. The one from minus two to eight is owned by the entire FB&H, because the regular vaccine is based on that, while the one at minus 20 exists in most of the FB&H. This vaccine, after leaving the warehouse, can be used for a period of one month. While for "Pfizer", which is kept at -70 degrees, that period is significantly shorter, only a few days after leaving the chamber - said Čerkez.

Čerkez: We expect the vaccine in the second quarter of 2021.. Archive

Vaccination priorities

  • Healthcare professionals (other hospital staff, such as cleaners, are also considered)
  • Vulnerable population (1 to 74 years, with relevant chronic diseases, obesity, hypertension and older than 70 years)
  • Senior care services
  • Population between 65 and 74 years 
  • Healthy population between the ages of 18 and 64, workers in critical public services (e.g. teachers, public transport workers)