In the Central National Kitchen at MDD "Merhamet" in Tuzla for the municipalities of Tuzla, Kalesija, Lukavac and Gračanica, 2,400 meals are prepared daily for citizens in need. That is about 240 meals more since the pandemic was declared, and soon one meal distribution point will be opened in the settlement of Kiseljak near Tuzla.
The coordinator of the Regional "Merhamet", Zijad Dardagan, said that the interest in food increased during the pandemic, because some people lost their jobs, so the national kitchen is their only salvation, and a lot of meals are shared at home. Such is the case in the National Kitchen in Gračanica.
The secretary of "Merhamet" in Gračanica, Refik Šerbečić, goes from Tuzla to Gračanica every day, and then distributes hot meals to checkpoints, villages and refugee settlements.
- We distribute more than 300 meals a day. Meals are prepared in "Imaret" in Tuzla, and we try to reach everyone's house, building, settlement so that our customers can get to their meal easier and faster. I cover about 200 kilometers a day and, believe me, it’s not hard for me when I know I’m bringing lunch and dinner to someone. At the time of the pandemic, we increased the number of meals by 40 - says Šerbečić.
The torment forced Mehmed Keljić into the National Kitchen. His wife Emilija died 14 years ago so Mehmed was left all alone. He comes to the National Kitchen regularly and he is satisfied with the food.
- I have no father or mother, they died. My grandmother Fatija Huskić, who raised me, also died. What would I do without this kitchen, I would be hungry - says Tomislav Olić, a young man from Gračanica, who is not able to work due to a specific illness.