SBB, SP and NiP sent an open letter to the Brčko District Supervisor

At the session of the commission for violation of the rules of procedure, we were also outvoted, but we are surprised by the opinion of the expert service of the assembly, which claims that there were no violations of the rules of procedure

N. Ajnadžić

SBB, SP and NiP sent an open letter to the Brčko District Supervisor. Avaz

The Alliance for a Better Future (SBB), the Socialist Party (SP) and the People and Justice (NiP) sent an open letter to the supervisor of the Brčko District of B&H, after, as stated, at the 1st regular Assembly of the Brčko District of B&H under item 2. Election commission pointed to violations of positive regulations.

We transmit the letter in its entirety:

Respected Supervisor for the Brčko District of BiH, Your Excellency Mr. Michael Scanlan,

in our opinion, the first parliamentary session showed that the current ruling majority continues to violate the regulations of the Brčko District of B&H, because it violated Article 39, paragraph 3 and paragraph 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, where paragraph 3 says that each parliamentary commission has at least five members, and the parliamentary majority has elected a commission for Monuments and Street Names, which has three members.

It is true that it is a special commission and that it is formed on the basis of Article 62 of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, which does not define the number of members of the commission because it is already defined by this above-mentioned article.

At the session of the commission for violating the rules of procedure, we were also outvoted, but we are surprised by the opinion of the expert service of the assembly, which claims that there were no violations of the rules of procedure.

Paragraph 7 of the Rules of Procedure defines the proportional participation in committees according to the number of seats occupied by political parties and independent representatives in the Assembly, also this paragraph is not respected given that one MP is in seven committees, out of 14, also in the budget committee crucial for revenues and expenditures are two members from one political party.

The opposition is not proportionally represented in parliamentary committees where we have one or two presidents out of 14 committees, we are not represented in the budget committee, the police oversight committee, the legislative committee, ... although the Rules of Procedure provide for the possibility of a larger number of members of the commission, the ruling majority in this way wants to bypass us the parliamentary work and continue the trend that the opposition is not respected anywhere, which also does not respect the will of about 100,000 voters.

We hope that you will react with your authority and stop such arrogant behavior of the parliamentary majority at the very beginning, because in this way the basic segment of the work of the Assembly, which consists of the parliamentary commissions, wants to belittle and thus stop the abuse of parliamentary commissions - the letter concludes.

Facsimile of an open letter. Avaz