Inzko annulled the first round of elections for the mayor of Mostar, mayor will be elected secretly

The High Representative intervened because the voting was public, instead of secret, as required by the City Statute

Valentin Inzko. Archive

M. Sm.

As we have learned, the High Representative in B&H, and this was confirmed to us from several sources, annulled the first round of elections for the mayor of Mostar.

Namely, the High Representative intervened because the voting was public, instead of secret, as required by the City Statute.

- I am forced to intervene in order to remind city councilors that the elections for mayor of Mostar must be conducted in accordance with the Statute of the City of Mostar, and especially in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 36 of the Statute, which requires that elections in the City Council are secret if it has not been determined otherwise by this Statute- it is stated, among other things, in the decision of the High Representative.

It should be reminded that before the voting for the candidates for mayor last Friday, the City Council of Mostar, at the proposal of the "Coalition for Mostar", accepted the conclusion to vote publicly.

After the first round, Irma Baralija, the candidate of the "B&H Block", dropped out of the further race with five votes, while Dr. Zlatko Guzin, the candidate of the Coalition with 11 votes, and Dr. Mario Kordić, the HDZ candidate who had 14 votes, entered the second round.