Lučić-Sattler: Adopt strategic documents in the field of human rights

The Minister pointed out that the formation of an inter-ministerial working group is in progress

Picture taken at today's meeting. Fena

H. J. I. / Fena

B&H Minister for Human Rights and Refugees Miloš Lučić talked today with Head of the European Union Delegation and EU Special Representative in B&H Johann Sattler about the European Commission's Opinion on B&H's application for EU membership, as well as activities that the Ministry needs to undertake to fulfill the priorities from the Opinion.

Lučić informed Sattler that the Ministry will undertake activities this month to initiate the procedure for the adoption of amendments to the Law on the Human Rights Ombudsman. The Minister pointed out that the formation of an inter-ministerial working group is in progress, and that the Ministry is preparing a draft text of the law that will be offered to the working group for harmonization and final elaboration.

Lučić emphasized the importance of further EU support in the implementation of the Regional Housing Program in B&H, with the obligation of B&H to provide a non-monetary contribution to the project in the coming period. It was also agreed that in the coming period, stronger work will be done on the promotion of this significant project in B&H when it comes to the care of internally displaced persons and refugees from B&H.

Minister informed Sattler that activities are underway to map the needs of internally displaced persons and socially vulnerable categories of the population, which should be completed by the end of this year.

The Minister and the Ambassador agreed that it is necessary for B&H to adopt strategic documents in the field of human rights and anti-discrimination, the Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees of B&H announced.