Puljić: Let us not let the spirit of secularism drive Jesus out of our hearts

In this time of pandemic and uncertainty, one should deal with all sources of fear with hope and the power of faith, he stated

The Archbishop of Vrhbosna, Cardinal Vinko Puljić. Fena

H. J. I. / Fena

The Archbishop of Vrhbosna, Cardinal Vinko Puljić, stated in his Easter message that, in this time of pandemic and uncertainty, one should deal with all sources of fear with hope and the power of faith.

-We live in a time when various fears hang over people and permeate personal and our common existence. At this time of the pandemic, the fear of infection and disease has crept inside us, which the mass media spreads even more. There is a fear of death, which is normal for a person to fear death, especially when they give us so many statistics about people dying- said the cardinal in a message entitled "Let us not let the spirit of secularism drive Jesus out of our hearts."

However, although people are dying, as they have been dying from many other diseases, the fear is increasing today, as Puljić added, due to the economic crisis that was obviously intentionally caused, and the issue of survival itself because many people lost their jobs.

-In addition, in a poor and corrupt country it is very difficult to find a job, especially if the individual is not a member of the ruling party. In addition, there were natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires, etc. And in the face of these horrors, a man is powerless no matter how much he pretends or feels strong- the Cardinal added.

In family life, as he stated, there are fears of endangered harmony and togetherness, difficulties of upbringing of children before the onslaught of ubiquitous individualism, relativism and materialism, which is manifested through all kinds of crime, drug abuse, slavery and debauchery. In all this, however, the fear of illness and death somehow prevails.

-We celebrate Christ's resurrection in this atmosphere of numerous fears. This celebration, in addition to commemorating the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, is also the experience of Jesus Christ in our midst, Jesus who will remove our fear and bring the strength of faith to deal with all sources of fear and live the hope- said Cardinal Puljić.

Man, he added, is so afraid of death, and Christ overcame death and brought the meaning of life through resurrection.

-Asking God for forgiveness and peace, let us forgive each other and not allow hatred to enter the hearts, nor the family, nor this country- concluded the Cardinal in his Easter message.