Čerkez: We are lifting movement restrictions in the Federation of B&H

There are currently 359 patients in the hospitals in the F&iH, of whom only 17 are on ventilators

The Assistant Minister for Public Health of FB&H Goran Čerkez. Fena

H. J. I. / Fena

The Crisis Staff of the FB&H Ministry of Health, after the recorded positive epidemiological situation, today made a decision to lift the restriction on movement of people.

The Assistant Minister for Public Health of FB&H Goran Čerkez said at the press conference that it was decided to increase the allowed number of people at public gatherings to 30 in indoor and 50 outdoor circumstances.

-We expect the same number of people to gather in catering facilities. With today's order, we have enabled live music in catering facilities with an epidemiological obligation - a plexiglass fence that must be over two meters high, which will completely separate the performers from the audience. We hope that everyone will respect that and that after 15 days we will be able to further mitigate the measures- said Čerkez.

He stressed that the epidemiological situation has never been better since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

-This is today perhaps the best epidemiological situation in FB&H where we have an incidence of 28 cases. We must also state that all cantons are below the incidence of 50 cases. We have three cantons that are also in the calming phase, which are at an incidence of about 50 cases. This is very good news especially having considering that this week, even compared to the past, there is 43 percent less infected. Also, the seven-day incidence dropped by more than 42 percent- said Čerkez.

There are currently 359 patients in the hospitals in the F&iH, of whom only 17 are on ventilators.

-Not a single person in the Sarajevo Canton is on a ventilator today, and that is very good news. We look forward to such news but we must not relax. We expect the citizens to adhere to the prescribed measures, to spend the summer in a normal way, i.e. distancing and respect for measures in indoor spaces with regular hand washing and hygiene- said Čerkez.

He added that the immunization is going according to plan, in accordance with the number of vaccines at disposal.