Dženan Memić case: Look at what happened at the session of the Supreme Court of the Federation of B&H

The next hearing is scheduled for July 23rd, when experts Hamza Žujo and Željko Karan will be summoned

B. Cerić

The hearing in the Supreme Court of the Federation in the "Dženan Memić" case against Ljubo and Bekrija Seferović, for which the Supreme Court revoked the verdict of the Sarajevo Cantonal Court, acquitting them of causing a traffic accident, failing to provide assistance and preventing evidence, lasted for more than two hours today.

A new hearing is scheduled for July 23rd

The Council, chaired by Judge Slavko Marić, rejected the request of the federal prosecutor Vlado Marić for a hearing of the traffic expert Ištvan Bodol from Novi Sad, considering this evidence unnecessary. Judge Marić explained that "it is inappropriate to investigate now who said what and who hired whom, and added that if the prosecution has doubts about Bodol's expert witness, it should conduct its own investigation, but that the FB&H Supreme Court will not deal with it." .

The Council also rejected the Prosecutor's proposal to admit to the Banja Luka District Public Prosecutor's Office a notice of indictment against the leaders of the Zenit Expertise Center for abuse of office and forgery of documents.

A new hearing is scheduled for July 23rd, when medical experts Hamza Žujo and Željko Karan will be summoned, and the parties have been suggested to prepare for their closing arguments.

The indictment should not have been read

By the way, the indictment of the Sarajevo Cantonal Prosecutor's Office was read today, and the lawyer Rusmir Karkin, who represents Seferović family, said that so far it has been proven that the crime did not happen in the manner described in the indictment.

Ifet Feraget, who represents the Memić family, pointed out that the indictment should not have been read, but that a member of the council of judges, rapporteur Dragan Ćorlija, should have chaired and read the decision by which the FB&H Supreme Court revoked the second acquittal of the Sarajevo Cantonal Court.

Take a look at the video of what happened today in the courtroom of the Supreme Court.