Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Muhamed Ajanović was searched again at the Sarajevo International Airport, claiming that everything was ordered by Osman Mehmedagić

I filed a criminal complaint against the responsible persons of the B&H Border Police and the Indirect Taxation Authority of B&H, said Ajanović

Muhamed Ajanović. Press Media

Press Media

According to the information of the PRESS portal at the Sarajevo International Airport, Muhamed Ajanović, the dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, was searched again today. Muhamed was returning from a private trip, and similarly to the previous time, when he and his colleagues were searched when returning from a business trip, this time an anonymous report came.

- I can answer your question in the affirmative. It is true that members of the ITA department known as "smugglers" were waiting for me today, on the basis of an anonymous report, which was submitted by the ISA employee, and on the order of Osman Mehmedagić. Osman Mehmedagić is the one who ordered the submission of the last report and it is a classic abuse, which I will report to the competent prosecutor's office as I reported last time - said Ajanović.

Security compromised

What exactly did he report to the state prosecutor's office, and in connection with the event from June at the Sarajevo airport, Ajanović answers:

- I filed a criminal complaint against the responsible persons of the B&H Border Police and the Indirect Taxation Authority of B&H because on June 16th, 2021. during the border or customs control scanned suitcases owned by prof.dr. Lejla Kazazić and prof.dr. Selma Tosum Pošković and a picture of the contents of these suitcases, sent to the Istraga.ba portal owned by Avdo Avdić, thus exceeding their authority, violating the right to privacy and endangering the safety of professors Kazazić and Tosum Pošković, thus committing the criminal offense of Abuse of Position or Authority from Article 383, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code of FB&H.

Ticket booked online

Ajanović added that this has been going on for seven years.

When asked why he is convinced that this was initiated by the ISA B&H, Ajanović said that only the service can know the dates of departure and arrival for the passenger who booked the ticket "online".

It should be reminded that after the last ordered search, it was established that the goods that were confiscated were actually goods that should have been used and that were used at the scientific symposium held at the Faculty of Dentistry, in which the implants in question were used for social categories.