Radončić: Schmidt ends controversy over "Open Balkans" initiative

Schmidt gave a strategic positive assessment of this development idea. This removes unnecessary speculation that "Mini Schengen" is an alleged obstruction of the Berlin Process, wrote Radončić

Radončić: Schmidt stopped unnecessary speculations. Avaz

N. Aj.

The President of the Alliance for a Better Future (SBB), Fahrudin Radončić, commented on social media on the support of the High Representative in B&H, Christian Schmidt, for the "Open Balkans" initiative.

You can read his post below:

- Schmidt ended the controversy: On my statements given in several interviews that "Open Balkans" is a great opportunity for regional investments, less unnecessary waiting at the borders, much easier interstate transport of people and goods, an avalanche of falsified interpretations was launched that the EU and Germany are against this idea. And, all of us, consequently, against official Brussels and Berlin.

Even worse, Mr. Komšić and Mr. Džaferović, as patriots on duty and managerially and economically incompetent persons, wanted to present all this politically as a policy of dangerous conquest of Bosnia and Herzegovina by our regional neighbors.

That is why it is good that the new High Representative, Christian Schmidt, and, as a high-ranking German diplomat, gave a strategic positive assessment of this development idea. This removes unnecessary speculation that the "Mini Schengen" is an alleged obstruction of the Berlin Process.

It is business, job creation, stopping young people from leaving the region, regional stability and cooperation that need new large investments and infrastructural networking. Regional cooperation is the best answer to populist quarrels and economic futility of politicians who have not been able to build a shed on their own in their lives, and that they have not even talked about opening a single job - Radončić's wrote on Instagram.

Fahrudin Radončić's post on Instagram. Screenshot