Official confirmation from the Prosecutor's Office of B&H: Selmo Cikotić damaged the budget by 9.7 million KM

B&H's current security minister is charged with abuse of office during his term as B&H defense minister

Selmo Cikotić. Avaz

M. Aš.

Yesterday, the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina filed an indictment against Selmo Cikotić (SDA), the Minister of Security of B&H, for abusing his position and authority during his mandate as the Minister of Defense of B&H.

This information was officially confirmed today by the Prosecutor's Office of B&H.

Cikotić is charged with damaging the B&H budget by about 9.7 million KM, as well as obtaining property benefits from others in the amount of several million.

The Accused is charged that in the period from 2009. to 2011., while performing the function of the Minister of Defense of B&H, he abused the official position of the Minister of State by illegally favoring a buyer to the detriment of the ministry he managed when planning, exporting and selling surplus obsolete weapons, ammunition and military equipment.

- The indictment alleges that the accused completely illegally and without legal procedure, without informing his deputies, as well as the Presidency of B&H, made changes to the contract, after which the company "Scout" d.o.o. Zagreb, instead of obsolete weapons and ammunition, which was intended for write-off and sale, in order to reduce storage and warehousing costs, amended the contract to export weapons and ammunition of higher quality and market demand, thus damaging the B&H budget by about 9.7 million KM, as well as others, obtained material benefits in the amount of several millions - it is stated in the statement of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H.

The Accused is charged that, as an official in the executive bodies of B&H, in the position of State Minister of Defense, by using his official position, he caused damage to the budget of B&H and obtained a large amount of property gain for another, thus committing a prolonged criminal offense of abuse of office or powers under Article 220 of the Criminal Code of B&H.

The Prosecution of Bosnia and Herzegovina will prove the guilt of the accused by questioning a large number of witnesses and expert witnesses and enclosing several hundred pieces of material evidence. The indictment was forwarded to the Court of B&H for confirmation.