Kavalec: We are looking forward to the elections in BiH in October

Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec. Fena

A. Č. / Fena

Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec expressed disappointment today that BiH political leaders did not reach an agreement on necessary amendments to the Election Law, saying that the OSCE will continue to work actively in the field of electoral reform, as they are committed to the provisions concerning the integrity of the electoral process in BiH.

- Based on the invitation of the state of BiH, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights monitored the conduct of the elections on four occasions and made a report and pointed out various shortcomings and gave concrete recommendations for eliminating these shortcomings from the election process. As an OSCE member state, Bosnia and Herzegovina, together with all other states, is committed to respecting the democratic rights of its citizens and one of those rights is the obligation of BiH to organize democratic elections at regular intervals - said Kavalec during her visit to Tuzla.

She expressed the OSCE's concern over the disturbance of citizens' trust in the election process, and for that reason, she said, had repeatedly called for the necessary amendments to strengthen the integrity and transparency of the election process.

According to her, at the moment, the most important thing is for the Council of Ministers of BiH to make the necessary decisions on the allocation of funds needed for the organization of the elections in October 2022.

- We will not give up. We will continue to work on that. I must say that we are looking forward to the elections in October, which should be organized in accordance with the international obligations of this country as an OSCE member state - concluded Ambassador Kavalec.