Reisu-l-ulema Husein ef. Kavazović for "Avaz": Bosniaks should ignore Milanović, he is not worthy of them!

I condemn his statements, I consider them harmful, but I think that the majority of the Croatian people know what we are talking about here

Kavazović and Milanović. Avaz

A. Bajramović

Not counting the rare moments in which, in the manner of a good neighbor, he supports and seeks candidate status for Bosnia and Herzegovina, the President of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, does not miss a single opportunity to present falsehoods, minimize the role of the RBiH Army in the war, and present the Croatian army as the liberators of Bosnia, but also by repeatedly denying the genocide in Srebrenica, he hurts the victims again.


After the last such statement, Rijaset IZBiH also reacted, who strongly condemned the denial of the genocide in Srebrenica, which, according to media reports, was uttered by the President of Croatia, Zoran Milanović, in the presence of the highest state officials involved in the work of the summit of the Brdo-Brijuni process.

The disgraceful statements of Milanović were commented directly for "Avaz" by reis-l-ulema IZBiH Husein ef. Kavazović.

- Zoran Milanović is the president of the Republic of Croatia and it cannot be said that he does not reflect some kind of official position of that country. To what extent his position is consistent with the position of the Government and the Parliament, that is another matter. But I think that he is unbalanced as a person and that he has some problems. Of course, I condemn his statements, I consider them harmful, but I think that the majority of the Croatian people know what we are talking about here - says Kavazović.

Everything is clear

He claims that after such statements by Milanović, everything is more than clear.

- Bosniaks should ignore Milanović forever. He is not worthy of them - emphasizes Kavazović.