Hamas condemns Israeli attacks on Lebanon

On Wednesday evening, Israeli warplanes launched airstrikes on targets in southern Lebanon

On Wednesday, the Israeli army launched raids on southern Lebanon in response to the firing of three rockets towards northern Israel, one of which landed in Lebanese territory. AA

H. J. I. / AA

Palestinian resistance group Hamas on Thursday condemned Israeli attacks on Lebanon.

-This behavior reflects the Zionist policy of arrogance against all components of the (Arab) nation and its people- Hazem Qassem, spokesman for the movement, said in a statement.

He stated that the "Zionist terrorism, which extends across the region, will not stop the resistance of the nation's peoples to the Zionist colonial project that aims to expand on its land and seize the nation's capabilities."

On Wednesday, the Israeli army launched raids on southern Lebanon in response to the firing of three rockets towards northern Israel, one of which landed in Lebanese territory.