Troika Plus envoys meet with Taliban leaders, Afghan politicians in Kabul

Afghan politicians call for inclusive government in meeting with special representatives of Russia, China and Pakistan

A view from the Afghan capital Kabul. AA

H. J. I. / AA

Envoys of the Troika Plus met with top Taliban leaders and senior Afghan politicians Tuesday in the capital Kabul in a maiden interaction following the recent changes in the war-ravaged country, officials said.

Russia’s special envoy for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov was flanked by his Chinese counterpart Yue Xiaoyong and Pakistan’s Mohammad Sadiq Khan to hold talks with key Afghan players.

The group of diplomats met with the acting prime minister in the Taliban’s new government, Mohammad Hassan Akhund, and his deputies at the presidential palace, reported state-owned television channel RTA.

- They emphasized the formation of an inclusive government acceptable to all, peace, stability, moderate policy, respecting women’s rights, equal right of education for all Afghans & regional cooperation - tweeted Abdullah Abdullah, the former chairman of the High Council for National Reconciliation in Afghanistan.

The diplomats also met with former Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

- The chairman of the high peace council [Abdullah Abdullah] and the former president thanked these countries [Russia, China and Pakistan] for their cooperation…for the welfare of Afghanistan - said Karzai’s office in a statement.

Earlier in the day, Taliban government spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid praised Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan's efforts for peace and stability in Afghanistan, according to state-run media.

During the news conference, Mujahid, responding to a question regarding Khan's statements on the current crisis in Afghanistan, said the Pakistani premier's statements are positive and that the Taliban do not consider the remarks interference in his country's affairs, Radio Pakistan reported.

Mujahid lauded the active roles of Pakistan, China and Qatar in the current situation and said they would welcome the positive role of other countries as well for peace and stability in Afghanistan.