US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Save human lives

Improved government functionality can save lives, the US Embassy stated

US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Pollution knows no cantonal or entity borders. Avaz

Piše: A. Č.

The US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina reacted on Twitter regarding the text published by Human Rights Watch, which warned of health-threatening air in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

- The authorities do little to prevent this problem or at least warn people about the risks to their health. Polluted air in BiH kills thousands of people every year - HRW stated.

The US Embassy invited BiH officials to work together to improve air quality.

- Bad air quality causes 3,300 excess deaths annually in BiH. Pollution knows no cantonal or entity boundaries. BiH officials must work together to reduce coal burning and improve air quality management. Improved government functionality can save lives – it was stated from the US Embassy in BiH.